5 Tips For Perfect Roast Beef

5 Tips For Perfect Roast Beef

It's the centrepiece of any Sunday Lunch and when cooked well can provide the most succulent and tender meat around, but cooked poorly and it can be like eating a touch old leather boot.

Follow these 5 tips to make sure you get the perfect roast beef.

1 -  Choose The Right Cut - due to how the meat is cooked its best to choose a cut that is best suited to slow cooking. Topside, Silverside and Chuck that all contain natural fat that helps to keep the meat tender as the meat cooks.

2 - Earn Your Crust - Ideally all meat should be seared in a hot pan before it goes in the oven. This process help to create a golden crust that locks in the flavour and then allows the meat so cook from the inside out once in the oven. If the joint is too large to get in the pan place the joint in a maxed out oven for a short period of time before reducing the temperature for the rest of the cooking time.

3 - Low and Slow - Set the oven to 165°c and let time do the work. Don't rush it. The time in the oven will depend on the size of the meat but one thing is for sure, a heat too high can make your meat tough and chewy.

4 - Use a meat thermometer - Make sure to get the perfect roast with this simple yet essential tool. Make sure the probe is pushed in far enough to reach the centre of the meat. An internal temperature of 65°c will provide a medium roast with a little pink in the middle.

5 - Have Patience - Its really tempting to dig right in as soon as the beef leaves the oven but you'll not get the best experience if you do. Leave the joint to rest for at least 30mins before carving. Doing so will let the juices spread out within the cooked joint making sure its beef roast fit for any table.



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